@article{oai:meigaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001508, author = {金沢, 吉展 and 岩壁, 茂}, journal = {明治学院大学心理学紀要 = Meiji Gakuin University bulletin of psychology}, month = {Mar}, note = {日本の心理臨床家が臨床家を志した当初の動機および現在臨床業務に取り組む動機について,日本語版「心理臨床家の成長に関する調査票」(DPCCQ-J)の自由記述回答を基に検討した。「臨床家になる元来の動機や理由とその動機をもった時期」に対する116名の回答と「現在心理臨床業務を行う動機」に対する115名の回答を,グラウンデッド・セオリー法と合議的質的研究法に基づく質的分析法により分析した。当初の動機としては,他者貢献への意欲が最も多く,次いで,心理学,心理療法,あるいは心の働きに対する知的・職業的好奇心が挙げられた。現在の動機にも他者を援助することへの意欲が最も多く挙げられたが,32.1%の回答は回答者自身にとっての臨床業務の意義について述べたものであった。業務上あるいは経済的な必要性も当初の動機・現在の動機ともに少なからずみられた。臨床家の教育訓練にどのような課題が示唆されるかについて論じた。, This study examined both initial and current motivations of Japanese clinical psychologists to be engaged in clinical work. One-hundred sixteen written responses to the question, "What motivations and considerations originally led you to become a therapist, and when did you think of becoming one?" as well as 115 responses to "What motivations are you aware of in your current therapeutic practice?" in the free-response portion of the Development of Psychotherapists Common Core Questionnaire-Japanese Version (DPCCQ-J) were analyzed using a qualitative method informed by grounded theory analysis and consensual qualitative research. Results indicated that willingness to help others was a primary initial motivation, followed by intellectual/vocational interest in psychology, psychotherapy, or mental processes. The primary current motivation also consisted of helping others, whereas 32.1% of the responses were related to the meaningfulness of clinical work for the respondents themselves. There were a fair number of psychologists who raised job-related and economic necessities as their initial and/or current motivations. Implications for training are discussed., Article, 【資料/Short Report】}, pages = {137--147}, title = {心理臨床家を志した当初の動機と現在の動機に関する質的分析}, volume = {23}, year = {2013} }