@article{oai:meigaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001542, author = {大野, 政人 and 黒川, 貞生 and 森田, 恭光}, issue = {1}, journal = {明治学院大学教養教育センター紀要 : カルチュール = The MGU journal of liberal arts studies : Karuchuru}, month = {Mar}, note = {Many people have experienced muscle cramps during sports activity. It has been suggested that muscle fatigue, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance are potential factors of cramp. Stretching of affected muscles, intake of water and electrolytes are well-known preventions for cramp. However, few studies have experimentally investigated the effects of these factors and preventions on cramp. We reported that dehydration by repeated exposures to sauna increased cramp of the hamstrings which were not fatigued. Another study showed that increase in daily intake of water and salt reduced cramp during a tennis match. Thus, it is possible that fluid and sodium intake is effective for prevening cramp during exercise in some people., Article, 【論文/Articles】}, pages = {37--42}, title = {運動時に発生する筋痙攣の要因および予防法}, volume = {2}, year = {2008} }